
Volume 69 | Issue 12 | 18th September 2024

We gather together on the lands of the traditional custodians, the Wurundjeri people. We pay our respects to all of Melbourne’s First Peoples, to their ancestors and Elders, and to our shared future together.


Presidential Press
Fit For Purpose Program
Membership Chair Fabienne Nichola talked briefly about an opportunity for our club (endorsed by our board) to participate in a unique club cultural transformation initiative called the Fit for Purpose Program. This program will run alongside the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot, across the 2024/25 and 2025/26 Rotary years.
Our club is sending Fabienne to a Club Transformation Workshop run over a weekend, where Fabienne  will participate in an intense interactive learning and development experience featuring the best available presenters on membership development topics. A team of facilitators will work with club delegates to create a customised Club Fitness Plan for each club.
This workshop will focus on four major elements of membership development which will feature in presentations and discussions, and the creation of the customised Club Fitness Plans:
  • Product: What the club is offering to its members and community
  • Promotion: How effectively the club is telling its story
  • Recruitment: How the club attracts new members
  • Retention: How the club maintains member engagement and satisfaction
Monitoring, Mentoring and Follow Up
Each participating club will be appointed a Club Fitness Coach who will mentor the club throughout the implementation process and offer monitoring and follow-up on a quarterly basis.
School of St Jude
See you all on Wednesday 26th September at our social event to be held at the Union Tree Thai restaurant owned by friends of one of our new members Jessica Wat.
Let the Magic of Rotary continue to Create Hope in our Communities and the World!
Put These Dates in Your Diary!!! 
Wednesday 25th September – Offsite Fellowship Dinner – Venue to be advised
Here is another opportunity to just enjoy some fellowship and dine with your fellow members and their partners. These events have proved very successful, and this one should be no different
Wednesday 2nd October – Club visit by District Governor – Michael Lapina
DG Michael Lapina will no doubt update us on what is happening in the district, regionalisation and his plans for the 2024 / 2025 year.
Wednesday 9th October – Club Annual General Meeting
Keep an eye out for the Clubs Annual report and financials which will be circulated very shortly.
Friday 28th – 2nd March - Camp Getaway Working Bee
Volunteers Needed: Hawthorn Makers Market
Your help is needed! Volunteers are required for the following event. Click on HERE to view available slots and book yourself directly online.
Event:   Hawthorn Makers Market
Date:    06/10/2024 at 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Chair:    Teresa Molella 0420 286 840
Location:   Hawthorn Arts Centre
360 Burwood Road, Hawthorn
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
Sunday December 1 – Saturday December 7th, 2024 (Camp Getaway, Bendigo)
Camberwell Rotary has selected two participants but is looking for two more people who are interested in participating in this highly regarded leadership program.
Participants must be between 18 and 25 years old and young people of all backgrounds are welcome to apply
Those interested in applying for sponsorship in the first instance are encouraged to contact -
Adrian Campbell – Chair Youth & Vocation
Rotary Club of Camberwell
0431 16 530
A Reminder when Tin-Rattling at the Sunday Market
As you all know, volunteering at the Camberwell Sunday Market is an important part of our fundraising, as well as showing support to our Cluster Club the Rotary Club of Balwyn.
We have recently received communication from RC Balwyn outlining a 30% reduction in the gate takings over the last two years. Their report acknowledges that many of the reasons are outside their or our control (eg cost of living increases, cultural issues, younger age of patrons), the one thing we can influence is our engagement while greeting the Market patrons. 
So in Balwyn Rotary's communication: The Market Committee requests that all volunteers be more engaging in welcoming patrons to the market and seeking a donation. We are not asking for aggression, be more engaging which encourages patrons to contribute. 
Please keep this in mind during your next and subsequent Market Roster sessions.
Murray Anderson, Treasurer
ClubRunner Corner - CSM Roster

Camberwell Sunday Market - Volunteer Roster

Have you ever wondered which Sunday you have been allocated to? Can't find the email from Alan?
Then look no further! This new widget has been added to both our website Home Page - it's at the bottom of the right-hand column, right under the 3 most recent Bulletins. And it will be in each Bulletin as well. Just click on the blue "CSM Signup List" link. It's that simple - try it!
Murray Anderson


September 2024
1st Sept
Lindy Anderson/Murry Anderson
Sally Lombard/ Pierre Kriegler
8th Sept
Kemi Shobawale/ Nav Muniratna
Amadini Perera/ Joe Yeh
15th Sept
Patrick Docherty/ Brenda Innes
Tim Landsberg/Geoff McCormick
22nd September
Glenda Davies/ Rob Davies
Daya Govender/ Fabienne Nichola
29th September
David Troon/ Yvonne Wills
Nadia Hamilton/ Andrew Hunter
District Governor Nominating Committee to elect DG for 2027-2028
A message from Marjorie Gerlinger OAM, District 9800 Secretary, 2024-2025:
A District Governor Nominating Committee, which includes three Past Presidents, is required to elect a District Governor for the Rotary year 2027-2028. Full details are in the attached letter.
Nominations by Clubs’ Past Presidents willing to serve on the nominating committee are requested. Nominations are made by completing the attached Nomination form and returning to the District Secretary by 30th October 2024.
Appointments to the nominating committee will be confirmed when finalised.
For planning purposes, the first Nominating Committee members will meet on Sunday 1 February 2025.
Rotary D9800 fundraising Walk with Us Campaign
It is happening again, and it would be wonderful if you would like to be involved.  We would love to have you.
You can register as an individual or form your own Team.  Get ready to start walking in October.  You do not need to be in Melbourne to do this as you can participate in your own area.
The flyer below provides the details but if you would like more information please contact me.
This is vital fundraising to help to eradicate polio from the world.
Jane Pennington OAM
End Polio Coordinator, D9800
Phone Mobile 0408 402 555
The Rotary Club of Hawthorn Fundraising Luncheon
Camp Getaway Working Bee - 28th Feb 25 – 2 Mar 25
Camp Getaway provides a quality recreational camp experience for people of all abilities. The target groups assisted at Camp Getaway are people with disabilities and special needs.
The Rotary Club of Camberwell has booked the dates above and we will again be assisted by our former member and now retired painter – Andy Spry.
Thousands of voluntary hours have gone into redeveloping the site, which now includes self-contained units with full disabled facilities, modern dormitories and many other improvements.
This working bee at Camp Getaway is a weekend away and provides a great opportunity for club fellowship. As there is always refurbishment and maintenance activities to be done this is a great hands-on Community project for our Club.
Further information to follow.
2025 Conference Dates
Myeloma Australia's Greatest Call Long Lunch 2025
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Michael Mullins
September 5
Christopher Carra
September 14
Fabienne Nichola
September 16
Jon Oppy
September 25
Michael Mullins
Suzanne Mullins
September 9
David Chu
Tinna Shen
September 28
Jo-Anne Tamlyn
Greg Watson
September 28
Join Date
Alan Lorenzini
September 1, 1994
30 years
Michelle Critchley
September 8, 2021
3 years
Jo-Anne Tamlyn
September 17, 2008
16 years
Advertisement for ClubRunner Mobile
Please send your contributions or any general feedback to your 2023-202 RCC Bulletin Editor Joe Yeh (