Youth and Vocation
Michael Blood advised that Adrian Campbell (Service Chair Youth & Vocation) is very conscious of seeking opportunities in our local area. As a result, meetings have been held with Di Gillies (Boroondara Councillor, Board Member Camberwell High School, and former Rotarian), Hamant Kokularupan (Executive Director of Student Experience) and Amy Whitehead (Director of Marketing) Box Hill Institute and Maureen Salter (Principal of Camberwell High School).
Our Club will continue to provide welfare support as per last year to assist needy students with basic school needs such as books, excursions etc and Maureen Salter will address our Club in the near future.
Di Gillies has alerted the committee to a Mock Interview Programme run by the Hawthorn Rotary Club at Auburn High School. Di Gillies and Michael Blood are to attend two separate sessions of Interviews at Auburn High School next week with a view too implementing the same programme at Camberwell high School in the future. Camberwell High School will assist us with providing a suitable candidate for RYPEN to be held at Camp Getaway from 27/10/23 to 29/10/23.
RYLA - is to be held at Camp Getaway from Dec 2nd to Dec 9th. There are currently two people nominated for selection. The Box Hill Institute will promote RYLA and approaches have been made to the Rochester Rotary Club to see if assistance is required to fund a young person from their district given the ongoing impact of last year’s floods.
Members were remined to participate in providing candidates in the 18/25-year bracket for consideration. Nominations close on November 10th, 2023.
RYPEN - The committee has approved the nomination of Matilda McMillan to attend the camp this year at a cost of $300.
CHANCES Education Scholarships in Boroondara - A speaker will address the Club on Wednesday 8th of November. An assessment will be made post the presentation.
Through discussions with Camberwell High School, it is noted that there are forty-four students on these scholarships presently in the school. The Chances program aims to close the gap on educational attainment by providing financial scholarships to talented and motivated young people experiencing financial hardship. Students receive $1650 in their first year and $1100 in subsequent years for items including textbooks, stationery, uniforms, camps, excursions, computers, musical instruments, travel cards and tuition costs.
Box Hill Institute (BHI) - The two Bert Stevens apprentice Scholarships for this calendar year have been funded. The winners will be announced in early November 23.
There have been discussions with BHI around having a Club Meeting at the Fountain`s Restaurant which is run and serviced by the Hospitality students. A date in late February/early March 24 has been proposed. A presentation at the club meeting or Fountains restaurant by BHI is also being considered.
Chris Carra highlighted the potential projects that the committee will consider as outlined below:
Past projects:
- The Wash Project in East Timor
- The Running Water project in Vietnam
- Sue Gray’s work in Vietnam
- Monash Medical students TeaMMed to Nepal
- Siem Reap Rotaract sponsorship in Cambodia
New projects including:
- Computers to East Timor in conjunction with St Vinnies
- Malaria prevention in Pacific
- Support to South African schools
- Drinking water UV sterilization possibly in conjunction with Siem Reap
- Conceptual projects in Sri Lanka and Mauritius
- World Bicycle Relief
- Potential twin primary school arrangement with Camberwell UK through local cricket club
Of the above the one most likely to proceed in the near term is the computers to East Timor as it will require only $600 from the budget for purchasing 10 desktops from DIK with freight covered by St Vinnies.
The rest will undergo more formal evaluation and will likely require Board approval due to the size of the funding requests.
Jo-Anne Tamlyn provided the following update:
Bunnings BBQ - inherited from last year’s committee with member Nadia Hamilton taking a lead role. In reality a Club activity - fund raising, fellowship, fun but not Community Service. Request for all members to support future barbeques.
RIMERN – Camberwell is a member of the consortium of Rotary Clubs with interest in seeing the ongoing success of the project. This requires both a manpower and financial commitment. Currently this is being met through volunteers Phil Young / David Troon / Jo-Anne Tamlyn and a $5k contribution towards running costs which is a budget item.
FORaMEAL - Have booked a night of packing for early 2024 (earlier spots being kept for schools). This will be a fellowship as well as community service night. $4K from the budget has been set aside to pay for ingredients, materials, and shipping costs.
Food for Refugees - Program coordinated by Steve Clarke who this week delivered another car boot load of donations to Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in the name of Rotary Club of Camberwell. Substantial show of hands supporting putting a donation box at back of the room each week. Jo-Anne to follow up with Steve Clarke.
Future avenues to be discussed by committee include Camp Getaway, investigating the local welfare agencies (St Vinnies, Camcare, Little Things Community) and other Rotary initiatives operating in Boroondara area.
PS: At the meeting that followed, each committee member was tasked with investigating a welfare agency and reporting back by/at the October meeting. All unanimous that selection will be based on philosophy that any project/ program committed to will require a willingness of members to have an involvement - that is, not purely cheque writing projects.
The committee welcomes suggestions from Club members who see a community need in the local area.
A Research Project into Ageing Well
Chloe Waddell a PhD Candidate – Psychology at the Federation University Australia is conducting a survey into what is involved in “Ageing Well”. If you are willing to help, please complete the survey at the link below.