
Volume 69 | Issue 22 | 27th November 2024

We gather together on the lands of the traditional custodians, the Wurundjeri people. We pay our respects to all of Melbourne’s First Peoples, to their ancestors and Elders, and to our shared future together.


Presidential Press
Funeral Service for Liz Heil
The date for the service is Friday 6th December at 11.00 am at St Anne’s Catholic Church, corner of Beresford Street and Windella Ave, Kew East. Post church service get together will be at the Kew Golf Club from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm. All club members are very welcome.
Introducing City of Boroondara Mayor – Cr Sophie Torney
Jasmine is undertaking a Certificate III in Floristry at Box Hill  Institute and her citation read:
“Jasmine is a talented florist known for her attention to detail and creativity and she consistently produces work that impresses her teacher and her peers. She is a natural leader with a strong work ethic, and she is set to go far in the industry.”
Camberwell High School – John & Audrey Steven Scholarship
There were some very impressive students nominated as the School Captains for 2025, and I would love to hear from them as they experience leadership and the challenges and to also hear from Sara as she progresses through Year 11. Would be great speakers for next year!
I am so grateful to the Youth & Vocational committee who not only heard my goal back in July 2023 which was to “Interact more with Local Schools” but have delivered and continue to deliver, through funding to Camberwell High and the John & Audrey Steven Scholarship, Canterbury Girls College Year 11-12 Scholarship, funding for Education Chances and implementation  of the Mock Interview Program with Camberwell High School.
St Vincents Camberwell Gift Appeal
I look forward to seeing you all Club Assembly on 4th December which will be our last dinner meeting for the year.  We will hear from our Membership Chair and International Chair, DG Nominee for a district update and RI conference update. We will also hear from our President Elect Michelle Critchley post her training at Rotary Learning Institute.
Let the Magic of Rotary continue to Create Hope in our Communities and the World!
Put These Dates in Your Diary!!! 
Wednesday 4th December – Club Assembly – Hear from our Membership Chair and International Chair, DG Nominee for a district update and RI conference update. We will also hear from our President Elect Michelle Critchley post her training at Rotary Learning Institute.
Wednesday 11th December – Our Club Christmas Party
Gracie Greco – 536 Riversdale Rd Camberwell (opposite Chemist warehouse)
$65 per head – 3 course meal plus a welcome drink
Wednesday 11th December 6pm start
Mock Job Interviews - Final Debrief
Final Debrief:
  • Working with one of the senior teachers (Elizabeth Foulds), the students still had minimal class time to learn to write a Cover Letter and Resume
  • 32 Rotarian volunteers interviewed 108 students over 2 mornings in early September. Each student had a 10 minute interview with 3 minute feedback
  • Students responded positively regardless of major technology problems re volunteers not having the necessary information for each applicant
  • The school is keen to have this project permanently within the curriculum - as part of their subject “Connections for Life”
Changes for 2025:
  • Students will be offered more classroom time to write up their Cover Letter and Resume
  • Communication will be improved by each student being responsible for printing a hard copy of their application and handing it to the teacher at least 2 weeks before the interviews start. I will then distribute them to our interviewers in plenty of time
  • We will provide time keepers
  • In conjunction with Bryan Goodwin (one of the Rotarians who set up this project many years ago), Elizabeth and I have created a new list of vocations to relate to modern times with more variety of choices. I will send a list of suggestions for Bryan to update the current list
  • I have offered to speak to the Year 9 students next year to introduce the Rotary and Mock Job Interviews project and stress the benefits
I commend this valuable project to the Club, and look forward to to continued support in 2025.

Lindy Anderson, Youth Committee
ClubRunner Corner - CSM Roster

Camberwell Sunday Market - Volunteer Roster

Have you ever wondered which Sunday you have been allocated to? Can't find the email from Alan? Then look no further!
This new widget has been added to our website Home Page - it's in the right-hand column, right under the 3 most recent Bulletins. And it will be published in each Bulletin as well. Just click on the blue "CSM Signup List" link. It's quick, simple and if Alan has to make changes during the month, it's "live" so always up to date. Try it!
Murray Anderson


December 2024
1st December
Peter Pratt/Geoff Heath
Louie Yuan/ Lyndon Joss
    8th December
David Chu/ Gary Goldsmith
Amadini Perera/ Geoff McCormick
15th December
No Market
No Market
22nd December
No Market
No Market
29th December
David Troon/ Brenda Innes
Fabienne Nichola/ Gaya Govender
Book a donation at today.
Camp Getaway Working Bee - 28th Feb 25 – 2 Mar 25
Camp Getaway provides a quality recreational camp experience for people of all abilities. The target groups assisted at Camp Getaway are people with disabilities and special needs.
The Rotary Club of Camberwell has booked the dates above and we will again be assisted by our former member and now retired painter – Andy Spry.
Thousands of voluntary hours have gone into redeveloping the site, which now includes self-contained units with full disabled facilities, modern dormitories and many other improvements.
This working bee at Camp Getaway is a weekend away and provides a great opportunity for club fellowship. As there is always refurbishment and maintenance activities to be done this is a great hands-on Community project for our Club.
Further information to follow.
2025 Conference Dates
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
David Baker
December 1
Yvonne Wills
December 2
Tim Landsberg
December 3
Annie Murphy OAM
December 7
Frank Leigh
December 14
Lyndon Joss
Margaret Joss
December 2
Peter Pratt
Judy Pratt
December 4
Alan Lorenzini
Andrea Lorenzini
December 18
Join Date
Michael Mullins
December 1, 1985
39 years
Graeme Hope
December 10, 2003
21 years
Andrew Hunter
December 31, 1999
25 years
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Please send your contributions or any general feedback to your 2023-202 RCC Bulletin Editor Joe Yeh (