Posted by Fabienne Nichola
President Mel Tucker of Mildura-Deakin Rotary welcomed the visiting Rotary Outreach Myeloma Program (ROMP) team from Camberwell Rotary on 21 February 2024 to build stronger club relationships with the potential of participating in the program.
Left to Right - PP Gary Klippel (Mildura-Deakin), Don Jago OAM, President Mel Tucker (Mildura-Deakin), Peter Allen OAM, Jim O’Hara and Trish O’Hara OAM
At the breakfast club meeting on 21st February, members of the team (Peter Allen, Don Jago, Trish and Jim O’Hara) shared the ROMP message with the local Rotarians and later with the wider Mildura-Loddon Community through formal interviews with the Sunraysia Daily Newspaper and regional ABC. The ABC interview can be accessed via the link below:
The ROMP vision is for regional and remotely located Australians who are dealing with myeloma and most other cancer types, to benefit from support and treatment and ultimately narrow the quality of life and survival gap between the regional and their metropolitan counterparts.
ROMP makes a meaningful difference by providing fully funded Graduate Certificate in Cancer Nursing scholarships at Melbourne University to nurses working in regional cancer treatment centres. Successful applicants through this course, upskill in cancer treatment and enhance their professional skills in dealing with people living with myeloma and other cancers.
The 'Sunraysia Daily' article on Saturday 24 February 2024 can be viewed by selecting read more below.
For further information, contact:
Peter Allen 
Secretary - ROMP Committee
0412 035 247