Welcome to the Rotary Club of Camberwell

Are you a person who wants to make positive changes in your community, regional Australia and the world? Our club members are fun, dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of friendly people who share your drive to give back.
Club News
Rotary Camberwell continued its tradition of inducting the current Mayor of Boroondara. Mayor Cr Sophie Torney was inducted as an Honorary Member of the Club on 5th February 2025.
Mayor Cr Torney has extensive community involvement serving in various leadership and volunteer roles, including as President of the MLC Parents’ Association, managing junior football teams, and supporting numerous charities such as Boroondara Community Outreach, You Matter, and the Melbourne Indigenous Transition School. Additionally, she is passionate about environmental causes.
A warm welcome to our newest club member.
An extract of a letter of thanks from scholarship recipient Denis Martin Myungi:
Dear George and everyone at the Rotary Club of Camberwell,
I hope you and everyone at the Rotary Club of Camberwell are doing well. My family and I are also well too. There are many things I’d love to share with you in this letter.
I began my journey at St. Jude in 2009 at the Sisia campus and completed my primary education in 2016. Fortunately, I earned a scholarship for secondary education and started Form One in 2017. I completed my ordinary level studies in 2020 and continued to advanced level education, which I finished in 2023.
After completing my A-level studies in 2023, I had the opportunity to participate in a community service year. I volunteered at Muriet Secondary School, a government institution near my home, where I taught commerce to Form One students. Teaching 180 students was a rewarding and enjoyable experience, and I truly appreciated the chance to give back to my community.
Currently, I am pursuing a degree in Procurement and Logistics Management at the Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), located here in Arusha. The university provides an excellent learning environment—it is peaceful, well-organized, and equipped with great facilities, making my studies both enjoyable and beneficial for my future career.
My future aspirations include starting my own business using the knowledge I have gained and contributing to my community. I also hope to become a successful businessman. In my free time, I enjoy reading books and articles as well as watching movies.
I would love to learn more about you—about your family, and about the Rotary Club of Camberwell. Lastly, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your support and sponsorship. Your generosity has been invaluable to my education, and I truly appreciate it.
Wishing you and everyone at the Rotary Club of Camberwell a Happy New Year!
With gratitude,
Denis Martin Mvungi
The Rotary Club of Camberwell, in collaboration with the Running Water Project, has initiated the construction of twelve new menstrual health management (MHM) toilets at Kampong Thom High School in Cambodia. The project aims to address the issue of girls missing school due to inadequate menstruation facilities.
Key Highlights:
  • Kampong Thom High School, the largest in the province, has only 48 functioning toilets for 3,133 students and 136 teachers—far below WHO standards.
  • The project includes two blocks of 6 MHM toilets and two blocks of 10 urinals, increasing toilet capacity by 25%.
  • The additional toilets will improve hygiene, reduce the spread of communicable diseases, and enhance school attendance, particularly for girls.
  • Construction began in January 2025 and is expected to be completed by the end of February.
  • The initiative is part of a broader multi-phase WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) master plan for the school.
Funding and Impact:
  • The project is jointly funded by the Rotary Club of Camberwell, the Running Water Project, a District 9800 Grant and the Rotary Foundation, with a total cost of USD 20,000.
  • This marks the 11th collaboration between Rotary Camberwell and the Running Water Project, with over AUD 43,600 contributed to WASH improvements in Cambodian schools since 2019.
  • Since 2016, the Running Water Project has raised AUD 160,000, impacting 72 schools and more than 20,000 students.
The initiative has been made possible through collaboration with local educational authorities, community volunteers, and dedicated individuals such as Mr. Ho Sivuthy and Mr. Vann Narith, who oversee construction efforts.
The project is a significant step towards ensuring better educational conditions, especially for female students, by providing essential sanitation facilities.
Rotary Camberwell is proud to announce its member Anita Bejerano received a Medal of Order of Australia in January 2025. Anita has been a member since 1994 and currently serves on the Fellowship Committee. Our warmest congratulations Anita. Below are the official details:
Meeting Information
Welcome to Camberwell Rotary
We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
Canterbury Centre, Conochie Hall
2 Rochester Road
Canterbury, VIC 3126
We hold our weekly Dinner Meetings at Conochie Centre from 6 pm to 8 pm. We also meet at other interesting locations, please check Upcoming Events list. Visitors and guests are most welcome and are invited to register by the Tuesday beforehand.
The Hawthorn Makers Market (HMM) is a community event of the Rotary Camberwell Club since 1979. It is one of Melbourne’s best known makers markets. HMM is managed by Rotary Camberwell in partnership with the City of Boroondara. https://hawthornmakersmarket.org.au/
The Hawthorn Makers Market is committed to supporting local, independent artists and designers curating the best of Australian handcraft in one central marketplace. Stalls are set up both indoors and outdoors. All proceeds from HMM goes to Rotary Camberwell’s charitable work in the local and wider community.
The HMM monthly market is held at the beautifully restored Hawthorn Arts Centre, 360 Burwood Road, Hawthorn. It operates each Sunday of the month, March to December inclusive, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. HMM is proud to be family-friendly event.
Upcoming Events
Graham Ross
Feb 19, 2025 6:00 PM
The Gardiners Creek Catchment....just how important is it?
The Gardiners Creek Catchment....just how important is it?
Graham Ross moved to Australia from Scotland 26 years ago. He was a Director with International Commercial Real Estate company for 12 years before moving to a senior role in a private property investement company. He retired from commercial property in 2020 to study Conservation and Land Management.
Since that change in direction, he formed the KooyongKoot Alliance, now incorporated including over 20 Friends groups from the Gardiners Creek Catchment. He is also a founding member of Rewilding Stonnington a community group focused on reintroducing native plants to nature strips and underutilised spaces. He is also a Member of Back 2 Nettleton Friends Group. He is a board member of both Greenfleet and The South Gippsland Landcare Network, also formed The Deer Control Action Group in South Gippsland, aimed at the strategic control of feral deer in the region. Graham has been a member of Gardiners Creek for over 20 years.
Graham will briefly review the challenges facing our creek catchment and the brief but fast paced evolution of the KooyongKoot Allialance (KKA), made up of over 20 friends groups. He will also talk on the wider Regional Collaboration of 16 stakeholders (Councils Melbourne Water etc) and their collective vision and objectives and an insight into how that collaboration will work together to restore balance to the catchement and care for this tremendously important asset.
Graham could have chosen any football team when he moved to Australia, but settled on St Kilda. Graham does not always choos the easy path!
Mark Anderson
Apr 02, 2025 6:00 PM
Rotary Foundation
Lindy Anderson
Apr 09, 2025 6:00 PM
Member Behind the Badge
Kevin Picker
Apr 16, 2025 6:00 PM
Camberwell Sunday Market - Volunteer Roster
Click here to see the Roster for December 2024: CSM Signup List
The annual Camberwell Art Show (CAS) is a signature project of Rotary Camberwell. See the Camberwell Art Show Gala Night 2024. CAS was first held in 1966 https://camberwellartshow.org.au/ Since its inception, CAS has raised over $3M to support local, national and international humanitarian projects.
The show is set up by the members of the Rotary Camberwell and volunteers including Swinburne students, spouses, family and friends. Beyond the artists’ prize money, all funds raised (as with all Rotary fundraising) goes to the club’s charities.
CAS relies on the generous support of sponsors including Swinburne University for providing a magnificent glass façade venue at its Technologies Centre with the benefit of Burwood Road frontage. Other long standing major sponsors are Bendigo Community Bank of Canterbury, Ashburton, Surrey Hills and Balwyn and City of Boroondara. Other sponsors are from many local businesses. Without their support, CAS would not be the success that it has been over many years.
The Rotary Outreach Myeloma Program
The Rotary Outreach Myeloma Program (ROMP), began in 2019 as a special program to mark the Centenary of Rotary in Australia in 2021. Camberwell Rotary Club joined with Myeloma Australia, the only myeloma specific charity in Australia, to build awareness of myeloma and Rotary Club support for myeloma patients and their families living in regional and remote Victorian communities. Today ROMP is supported by up to twenty regional Rotary Clubs across five Rotary Districts and a growing list of cancer treatment centres.
ROMP’s focus is to provide regional nursing scholarships. The scholarship is offered to select registered nurses employed in rural and regional cancer centres or clinics in Victoria to complete a Graduate Certificate in Cancer Nursing at Melbourne University. The scholarship is funded by participating Rotary clubs, their communities and sponsors. With growing support, the ROMP vision for several more scholarships seem very achievable.
What is Myeloma?
Myeloma, also called Multiple Myeloma, is a type of blood cancer that affects the inside of the bone marrow. It attacks the immune system causing fatigue and can lead to frequent infections.  Only half of all people diagnosed with myeloma survive beyond five years. There is no cure for myeloma. ‘We are tackling myeloma - and all cancers - in regional Victoria, one Rotary Club and one nurse at a time.' For more information see the Myeloma Australia website https://myeloma.org.au/