On Wednesday 4 September 2024, the Box Hill Institute (BHI) celebrated its Centenary. Due to our long-standing relationship underpinned by providing multiple Bert Stevens Apprentice Awards over decades, Rotary Camberwell Michael Blood and Fabienne Nichola, were amongst over 350 guests which included past students, staff and government representatives.
Distinguished BHI speakers covered many milestones of the past 100 years following the modest beginning as a Technical School for girls and women in 1924.
The recurring theme was the remarkable impact BHI provided and continues to provide young students a pathway to successful and diverse careers, in an environment where trade-based apprentices and related further studies, was very limited.
Rotary Camberwell is proud to have supported BHI students with multiple Bert Stevens Apprentice Award over many years.
Canterbury, VIC 3126